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Saturday, December 13, 2014
Do I Still Need a Voicemail?
Photo Credit: Cloudphonesystem,
Flickr Creative Commons

When Televoice International introduced the first nationwide voicemail service in 1980, it became very popular, very quickly. Being able to leave somebody a message of you talking directly to them was a very useful tool for people back then! That was however, before the game changers of communication technologies such as email, text/instant messaging, and Skype. With so many new ways to communicate and leave messages for someone, do we really still need voicemail in this day and age?

As a company, letting customer phone calls go to voicemail can have an extremely negative effect on how you and your customer service are viewed. One of the most popular ways that businesses are combating this problem is by enlisting the help of an answering service. By using an answering service, you are ensuring that you will never miss a call again, even on nights, weekends and holidays. As a customer, nothing beats hearing a live, friendly voice on the other end of the phone, giving you helpful directions, and keeping you happy. That is why more and more companies are making the smart move switching from voicemail to an answering service.

Voicemail is rapidly becoming a technological dinosaur. Sure it is still around, but so is your car’s CD player. According to the New York Times, 30% of voicemail messages do not get listened to for at least 3 days, and 20% of people who have voicemail never even check it. Relying on voicemail to maintain successful customer relations in the 21st century is a dangerous business plan, and that is why it is no wonder why so many people are choosing to utilize call answering services.