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Monday, October 13, 2014
What Does "Customer Service" Mean to a Customer?

Today’s customers have had access to a wide range of customer service experiences. The options seem endless, and include talking in-person, communicating through emails or messages, and talking to an automated response system, to name a few. With all the options, what does “customer service” now mean to customers, and what do they expect? Here are four expectations customers have, regardless of how they get in contact with representatives:

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  • Contact options. Flexible contact options are essential for today’s busy world, which is why there are now so many options for in person, online, and phone contact. Based on the level of help required and the amount of time customers have to devote, they can decide how they want to get in contact with a company. Customers frequently want to talk to customer service representative when they have challenging problems that cannot be solved through other forms of communication, such as email, but prefer online contact for simpler requests.
  • Timely responses. In today’s day and age, time is precious. No one wants to wait long or feel like his or her time is being wasted. Knowledgeable customer service representatives that can provide quick responses will likely make customers have a positive attitude towards the company.
  • Relationships. Taking time to build a trusting relationship will have a significant impact of a customer’s experience. Each customer should feel as if their satisfaction is one of the company’s top priorities. Building a strong relationship from the beginning can lead to positive interactions well into the future.
  • Problem solvers. Customers reach out when they need help. They expect knowledgeable representatives that are able to solve their problems, or else they would not have spent their time contacting customer service. It is important to do as much as possible to solve the problem for the customer, or to provide them with information for someone who can.

As our world continues to rapidly change, customer service will change as well. However, these four customer expectations will remain at the foundation of what customer service should include. Find out how we can meet these customer expectations and provide unmatched customer service for your company through our customer service outsourcing.